Saturday, 21 April 2012

clemmi blogs

I am here
Musiepa,my friend
I am here
With you
Do you remember the sadness
Of those days in high school
The days we used to sleep
Only three hours a night
And four hours in the afternoon in class
Dozing,reading and 'working hard'
To come to the university

Musiepa my friend
We are here
We are here now
To pursue our dreams
I am writing verses to you Musiepa
You used to say that you wanted to be a doctor
No,sorry,you said an engineer
Musiepa my friend
Do you want to be an engineer when you grow up

Hopefully Musiepa
We shall still march to our dreams
And the make the impossible possible
Methinks we shall move mountains
And the place to do it
Is here


  1. oooooooooh so nice.
    I like the style used in writing the poem.
    the direction of the persona the ´you'perspective the clever repetion of the name Musiepa and the used of the rhetoric question ´do you still want to be...´
    you also used the doubt so well: no an eng..
    I like your poem.
